

As The Leadership and Diversity Coach™, I bring expertise and many years of experience with executive leadership; individual, group, and organization coaching and consulting; personal and organizational change; leadership development; diversity and inclusion leadership; and facilitation.

As a professional certified coach, I

  • Co-create a close and trusting coaching relationship.
  • Listen and ask powerful questions.
  • Advocate fiercely for your goals and what you want at work and in life.
  • Celebrate you for who you are.
  • Use purpose, vision, values as the foundation for our coaching work.
  • Foster personal, professional, and career change.
  • Support self-responsibility and accountability.
  • Infuse our work together with diversity and inclusion understanding, skills, and change.

I am a whole-being coach. Whole-being coaching brings all of whom you are into our coaching relationship and process. It includes everything about you as coaching client – Your goals at work and in life. Who you are and who you are becoming. Your inner being. Your social being and identity. Your relationship with nature and the Earth. Whole-being coaching is coaching from a perspective of relationship, action, and diversity, equality, and inclusion.

I coach from a place of love, joy, connection, intimacy, honesty, courage, humor, and life-long learning.